If only I knew how I could express myself deeply. Can I be sure that everything's around me will be fine. Nonetheless, there's always a part of me that seemed rather emotionally down. What more could I say then to be assured that everything's going to be alright. But being alright don't solve much disruption of how I'm truly feel. No matter, trouble times seem to come and go and make way for happiness.

I myself have gone through a relationship in the past and I know how it feels to be loved. Loving someone is not a crime and you shouldn't be ashamed about it. What matters most is how both of you come together and share this beautiful experience together. The adrenaline of being part in a relationship has its consequences, but its up to you how you deal with it. And I do believe in true love and everyone has a suitable candidate for their love.
"True love is like the souls recognition of its counterpart to another."

Love You.
Kz Khaz