Sunday, May 31, 2009

Learning the facts

Few days have past and I've learn much from the events that happen during these days. I've seen lots of things and hear some of it but it made me realize the truth. The truth that holds the key to the answer to what I'm feeling upon. Nonetheless, it seems that my heart has settled down and have understand what's being happy is all about. Telling my mind & heart to feel happy is my motive right now but I just couldn't bear the thoughts of even wanting to be feeling upset no more but to those who've been there for me, I love you all for cheering me up each time.

Anyway, things change when you find out things that you shouldn't know, but what the hell, i guess, it's just faith. I'm just praying to God, hopefully I'll be strong to overcome this feelings in me and also my complications in life. Knowing that only you know how I feel deep inside. I'll be strong.

Kz Khaz