Sunday, March 29, 2009

my firstie post...

WOOO HOOOO first blog post...

i used to have a blog last time but kinda lazy to update & all but anyway thanks to someone** here i m creating a new blog... happy now...

thanks alot huh my lovely daughter.....

cough*** cough**


Anyway here's sth for u readers to read... hope its alryte...haha...

A Special Companion

Is it just a bliss between guys n gals
How far will you go to pursue your dreams of being with them
Spending every slightest moments,
Exchanging of views and opinion through your emotions
But are this just companionship
Or an unconditional feeling waiting to be shared with each other

As feelings starts to get closer
Expressing your emotions tends to be much easier with your other half
Without you knowing,
Infatuation starts to get into the picture
Taking a step towards revealing your emotions gets harder each time
Cos you're unsure about the outcome

Covering up your feelings each time
Has now become a game to you
But how long can this game last
Do you have the courage to accept the consequences
Thinking of not wanting to lose you
Has been embezzled in your thoughts

Seeing you each time keeps my mind at ease
But not revealing those three words to you makes me weaker
Saying is easy without any intention being made
But holding to those words and emotions is somewhat i would like to share with you

Loving you always

that's all for now ...

Kz Khaz