Friday, April 3, 2009

= P

Back from prep camp..

TIRED & SHAGNESS gettin into me ryte now. but dats life i guess. its really a different feeling den last year when i was a gl an all but trying my best to keep the tempo high at times even though boredness still lingers around me. = P

Anyway GRATS TO ALL THE GLS & GPs for pullin it through dis prep camp together. all the best for the camp and make it a memorable one for the freshies.

Anyway Ethel this is for you...

THANKS HUHHHHHHHHHH!!!! anyway thanks again cos u're really a great daughter to be with. u've encourage me when i'm down n yr presence jus enlighten me each freakin day. n by the way WHERE's my present huh. haha..

Kz Khaz