Friday, April 3, 2009

random feelings = P

With each passing day,
Knowing there's nothing much that i could say,
Only through tears can i dearly express it to you,
But this tears of mine are just priceless,
Its hard for me to let it go,
Though you are one that i truely missed the most

Battling my way through this transition,
Emotions are just some which i can't controlled,
I'm sorry if i wasn't there to pull it through with you,
But i just don't like people to judge me for who i am,
I just want to be myself and be happy again.

I always believe that no matter how complicated things can be, nothing is impossible and there's always a path out there to make it happen. To be frank, i just can't express my feelings well but people who do know me, I know I'm a different person from what I am. So whatever it is, I'm happy to have friends and family who do love me and care about me. Thus to love someone dearly is to love yourself for who you are and be able to live life to fullest.

Kz Khaz