How it has been...
Its been pretty long since I last posted but anyway lots of things have happened some are good & some are bad. But I'll just summarized it all.. deres days dat I'm feeling really happy & wanting to be high all the time but lately i just don't noe how i'm feeling...
i dun noe if ms X will ever noe how i feel bout her but at the moment only time will tell i guess.. I been giving her the space dat she needs. I really do care bout her but just that does she even noe that wadever i do is just for her...
n to ms X : pls stop messing with my mind cos if u're nt intersted at least dun jus give me that cold shoulder to me.. u can least tell me the truth, we can still be frens ryte... i'll still be dere for u if u need someone to be with...
n to ms Y : thnks for being dere for me even though i might jus noe u.. u've really made my day each time dat we meet n made my life a whole lot better.. n thnks for waiting for me..haha..
n to ms Z : dun be sooo emo ok... I noe its hard sometimes whenever someone does say things to u.. but to me u do have a nice smile & no one can change my opinion bout it.. so keep smiling ok sweetie... i'll be dere for u too... COOKIE MISSES U!!!
OK i think dats bout it i guess..
Kz Khaz