a piece to remember
Talk to someone the other day and it made me realize how sucky I've been this couple of weeks.. I mean I regret what I've been but it reflect badly on me.
Anyway I've decided not to hold any grudges on anyone anymore. I mean there's no point of keeping them to myself anyway. The more I keep it to myself the more I feel sad and it just affects my relations with my peeps. So I've decided to erase it all off from my mind. I believe that only by doing so can I be myself again and be happy.
To anyone that I've been rude to or that I've pissed, I'm sorry for my actions lately. I mean I can't undo what I've done but I'm able to append the things that I've done and start a new in the future. Some people say I've change but that's from your viewpoint. But do you even know what I've gone through lately, I mean seriously the whole picture.
Anyway I'm not gonna elaborate further about that, just that I'm sorry for not portraying a much professional attitude about it. I mean, I'm just a human being. And human does make mistakes. I just take this as a learning lesson for myself to grow as a better person.
And to those that's been feeling sad and unwanted lately, hope you'll be able to pick things up and try to see things in a much wider perspective. Don't let one or two hurdles in life keep you down. Try to see things in a much brighter side and only then can you appreciate the true meaning of life.
Only then can you know whats your existence in life.
Love Yourself, Love Everyone,
And be happy.
Kz Khaz