what's in my mind lately
Am I going through a transition. I doubt that I am. But I just can't figure out why am I feeling moody this couple of days. Is it cos I'm getting too stress over projects or maybe some other things which may have affected me. But whatever it is, I've tried to control myself so that I won't burst out just like that. Sometimes I can, but sometimes I don't.
WHAT I NEED NOW IS A BREAK!!! ARGH!!!!Beneath it all, I guess I do need some care and I appreciate those that has been there for me. Especially that hug the other day some where last week from you, I really appreciate it. And I hope things are getting better for you too.
I must say I really do care about you and i just want to make you smile each time if I'm able to. But as for now I think I should cheer myself up even through tough times that I'm going through. I guess I'll able to pick up the pieces together and be who I am.I'm just happy that I have you...
Kz Khaz