Whats in me
Sry readers for not been posting this few days..
Anyway for this week it has all been an or so rough week for me but at the same time, things around me just brightens my mood lately. From random smiles from people that I happen to be unfamiliar with, to anonymous someone that I've made connections to and not forgetting dreaming about you in my dreams, not ONCE but TWICE this week alone. I guess things turn out better than I thought.
Anyway I'm now in JB, supposedly to be some recuperation course for the long weekend but turn out I can't really enjoy much cos I got assignments to complete. How contradicting I am as a Singaporean to be in Malaysia at the eve of my country's independence and be back in Singapore at the closure of its celebrations. Yeap, i'm soo "loyal" to my country... haha.
But anyway, I really do not know what I'm going through right now. I mean if u ask me how i'm feeling, I think I'm ok but what's ok... Happy, Sad, Angry, Dissapointed... I just can't really explained how I feel really. But why all of the sudden, am I dreaming of you. Am I missing you dat dat much till I can't express it to you. I just don noe.
I'm way tooo clueless to say much cos what my heart feels and my mind thinks, are totally crossing paths. Maybe time is what I need to console myself. But whatever it is, I just hope that I won't lose you just like that.
Kz Khaz